Manawatu Muslim Association (MMA) was established in 1967 when only two Muslim families resided in the Manawatu-Wanganui area. In 1985, when the Islamic Centre at Palmerston North was established, at 227 College Street, the number of members in and around Palmerston North was 25. This number rose to around 300 in 1994 and it was during this time that it was decided to purchase a new Islamic Centre. This small community got together despite all odds (as the economic conditions in those years were very tough) and raised funds to purchase this current premises. MMA currently owns this Masjid which is located at 81 Cook Street.
The Current premises was acquired in 1995 by the then members of the community (May Allah swt accept their sacrifice). The Masjid has brought together Muslims from all over New Zealand and the Manawatu Region, visitors and students from all around the world at one time or another. This Masjid offers many activities for all age groups.
In 1994, the total Muslim population was well below 300 compared to over 1,300 today. We have Muslims from many different parts of the world residing in Palmerston North today. Some of them from the following backgrounds: – Arab, Asian Subcontinent (including Pakistan, Bangladesh and India), Myanmar, Africa, Afghanistan, Malaysia, Singapore, Mongolia, Fiji, and many others
In the last few years, the growth rate of Manawatu Muslim population has been phenomenal. This has been largely because New Zealand embarked on an aggressive marketing programme to attract overseas professionals together with an increase in Refugee quota programme. The cost of living in bigger cities and the offer of a better lifestyle has made Palmerston North a better city to reside in and this has also contributed to the increase of the Muslim population. This trend is expected to continue in the foreseeable future.
Assalaamu Alaikum:
Thank you for visiting the MANAWATU MUSLIMS ASSOCIATION (MMA) website. The MMA is located in 81 cook street and is one of the first mosques in Palmerston North. The MMA is not only a mosque, it is also a community center. I invite you to visit us and discover the beauty of our Center. This will give you an opportunity to meet our diverse and friendly community represented by dozens of different ethnicities. Hope to see you soon at our center!
Riaz Rehman, President (2021-2023)
A Place For You
Our Islamic Center takes pride in its heritage of diversity, open-mindedness, civic engagement and community building. Get to know what makes us tick — our approach to Islam and our definition of the Amershahan Muslim identity, all of which shape the character of our community.
Aims & Objectives
- To create a harmonious environment and promote the enhancement of Islamic Values by providing facilities for Muslims in the Manawatu Region, to practice Islam as enjoined by the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)
- To devise and conduct programs of Islamic education.
- To encourage the Muslims to follow the example of the early righteous Muslims.
- To create unity through religion and celebrate diversity by reaching out and acting as a resource Centre for the local Muslim community and the wider
- To promote and develop understanding and co-operation between Muslims and non-Muslims and to cherish the bonds of friendship and understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims within the framework of Islam.
- To safeguard and improve the Welfare of all Muslims regardless of Place of Birth, Race and Color.
- To introduce Islam to non-Muslims in its purest form as a comprehensive practice and way of life and provide new Muslims with advocacy and support
- To participate and support humanitarian causes in New Zealand and overseas.
- To cooperate with other Islamic institutions and organizations which are following the Glorious Qur’an and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
Throughout the year there are numerous activities going on at the masjid. These include and are not limited to:
- MMA Daily Madrasa. Class times vary depending on the season and time of the year. Different hours in winter and different in summer.
Contact mufti Saleem for enrolment and other inquiries. Phone: 0218901700 - Madrasatul Islamiyah Daily Madrasa. These are afternoon/evening classes.
Contact Br Yousuf Mughal for enrolment and other information. Phone: 021773531 - MMA Iqra School. This is a weekly Sunday school. The start time is 10.30 am until Dhuhr.
Contact sister Hanadi for enrolment and other information. Phone: 0210583058 - Annual Eid event. This is a major event organised by MMA in conjunction with Manawatu multicultural council. This event is open to the wider community for both Muslims and non-Muslims. Well known Personalities eg Mayor and local member of parliament are invited to this event. Food and refreshments are provided.
- Once weekly Mens Quran Halka . This takes place after Isha during winter and between Magrib and Isha in summer.
Contact Dr Ibrahim for more information. Phone: 0226473148 - Daily Talim after Magrib/Isha depends on the time of year
- Daily Iftar is organised at the masjid during the Month of Ramadan. This is usually sponsored by different communities.
- Kids Quran competition is held during the month of Ramadan. Prizes are presented at the conclusion of Ramadan.
- MMA Arabic & Quran classes for Muslim Community. This happens once a week on Sunday after Asr Salaat.
Contact Br Hazim for further information. Phone: 021961968.