
Weekly Programs & Activities

Manawatu Muslims Association (MMA) offering a wide range of different courses comprehensively suitable to the need of students’ schedule.
MMA offers the following education system.

MMA Daily Madrasah

Monday to Friday 5pm- 7pm

A complete curriculum that focuses on reciting the Holy Qur’an with correct tajweed and aiming to memorise Juzz Amma for each child.
The course is a combination of Islamic Studies includes all major part of the Imaan.

Separate Classes & Ustaaz/Ustaaza for Boys & Girls.

A course is divided in 4 terms per year.
Madrasa classes are alligned with state school terms.

Male: 5-17 years
Female: 5-17 years

Contact Br. Rafay for enrolment and other inquiries. Phone: 0212687018

Maktab Curriculum

Students to teach Qur'an with proper Tajweed (Makhaarij) & listen their daily lesson. Aiming to memorize Juzz Amma for all kids.

The course is developed on the main 5 contents of knowledge:

Aqidah (Beliefs): teaches all about what a Muslim must believe in, e.g.: Allah s.w.t, Angels, Allah’s books, Allah’s Nabi etc.

Fiqh: children learn all about Wudhu, Salaah, Fasting, Hajj, how to perform them and their rules.

History: children will know about the lives of the Ambiya a.s and the life of our beloved Nabi(s)

Seerah: children will learn all about good character and how to eat, drink, and sleep according to the Sunnah of our beloved Nabi.
(Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam)

Personnel Develpment: children will learn areas of personal development, in an age-appropriate manner as per Prophet seerah.

Dua: children will learn all the major dua's from mustanad ahadees.

Each Student/Parent should buy the set of Text & Workbook for the course.

Contact Br. Rafay for any further inquiries. Phone: 0212687018


Sunday 11am- 1pm

An attractive sessions that focuses on the key aspects of Islamic values in the daily life of students includes understanding of arabic language. Islamic studies guidelines from Safar/Tahseel curriculum.

Male: 5-17 years
Female: 5-17 years

Contact sister Hanadi for enrolment and other information. Phone: 0210583058